Aspire Alliance

IGEN Engagement
The Aspire Alliance, an NSF INCLUDES project and IGEN Partner, seeks to develop inclusive and diverse STEM faculty across the nation by aligning and reinforcing professional development, hiring, and retention practices of STEM faculty simultaneously at institutional, regional, and national levels.
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU), NSF-1649214: The APLU will encourage its members (administrators at graduate degree granting institutions) to adopt inclusive graduate education practices and will promote the professional development opportunities offered by the Inclusive Practices Hub. Further, they will work with the Hub to identify universities where inclusive practices workshop can be held with multiple departments, and supported broadly by the graduate school.
About the Alliance
Our vision is to increase the learning, persistence, and completion of students from underrepresented groups (URG) in colleges and universities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to increase their contributions to the U.S. STEM enterprise.
Aspire will pursue three mutually reinforcing strategic goals:
Deepen the preparation of all STEM faculty to be inclusive and effective in their undergraduate teaching, research mentoring, and advising;
Diversify the faculty through effective recruitment, hiring, and retention of URG STEM faculty via institutional transformation in practices, policies, and resources;
Foster institutional cultures that recognize and value inclusivity and diversity broadly, and in the context of STEM faculty work specifically.
The overarching strategy is to effect change by aligning and reinforcing both professional development and hiring practices of STEM faculty simultaneously at institutional, regional and national levels, and to do so through a social equity-based collective impact process.