2021 IGEN National Meeting
A Virtual Experience

Meet the Professionals: Career Roundtables

You can enter the online platform for this event HERE!

NOTE: Passwords for events will be sent via email to all registered INM attendees each morning of the meeting.

Join us for conversations with STEM professionals who will share their experiences working in academe, industry and national laboratories!  Review their biographical sketches before the session to identify which tables you want to visit AND what questions you may want to ask!


BRIDGE FELLOW: SpatialChat Meeting Space

Panel Discussion


Leighanne Gallington

Leighanne Gallington

Argonne National Laboratory
Mary Cromwell

Mary Cromwell

William_Evans Headshot

William Evans

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Krzysztof Gofryk Headshot

Krzysztof Gofryk

Idaho National Laboratory (INL)

Angela R. Hight Walker

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Jonathan_Madison Headshot

Jonathan D. Madison

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)
Lorena_Medina Luna

Lorena Medina Luna

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Tommy Rockward

Tommy Rockward

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Álvaro Vázquez-Mayagoitia

Álvaro Vázquez-Mayagoitia

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)